
Fusang Corp Deferment of its Proposed Initial Public Offering.

We, Fusang Corp (“Company”), announce that we are deferring our proposed initial public offering (“Proposed IPO”), which closing was scheduled on 29 March 2022 and listing on the Fusang Exchange Ltd. (“Fusang Exchange”) on 31 March 2022, due to escalating global uncertainties.

March 23, 2022
min read

Announcement to Applicants in relation to fusang corps deferment of its proposed initial public offering amidst escalating-global-uncertainties. We, Fusang Corp (“Company”), announce that we are deferring our proposed initial public offering (“Proposed IPO”), which closing was scheduled on 29 March 2022 and listing on the Fusang  Exchange  Ltd  (“Fusang Exchange”)  on  31  March  2022,  due  to  escalating  global uncertainties. Our Company believes that the decision to defer  our Proposed IPO is in the best  interests  of  our  investors,  as  they  will  be  better  served  under  improved  global  market conditions. Amidst the escalating global tension and economic uncertainties, this has been a difficult but essential decision for us to make as we believe that it is our responsibility to our investors and to our existing shareholders to ensure that market conditions are as ideal as possible to launch our Proposed IPO.  

Applicants  who  have  successfully  submitted  an  application  for  the  IPO  Shares  prior  to  this announcement (“Applicants”) shall have the full amount of their application monies (free of interest) refunded within 15 market days from the date of this Announcement by Baxian Trust (Labuan) Limited which is holding all application monies on trust. The refund will be credited directly  into  the  Applicants’  respective  trading  account  with  Fusang  Exchange  (“Trading Account”) for the purpose of cash distribution. Applicants who want to further withdraw such funds to their designated bank account should login to their Trading Account and follow the fund  withdrawal  procedures  set  out  in  https://support.fusang.co/en/knowledge/how-do-i-make-a-withdrawal-of-fiat . For  any  further  questions  in  connection  with  fund  withdrawals, please contact Fusang Exchange at support@fusang.co

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